• The service of an interim or temporary personnel manager is a popular management tool that temporarily brings in the missing competence from outside the company.

    Who and when might an interim HR manager be needed?

    • The company does not have a HR manager with sufficient competence and experience
    • The HR manager has left and there is a desire to reassess the processes in the field
    • The HR manager is temporarily away from work and plans to return.
    • Temporary increase in workload
    • Creation and implementation of new processes
    • Change management.

    Why invent a bicycle, the company has experience in its business area but lacks experience in the HR area. This is where the Interim HR Manager service comes to the rescue, mapping the company's need based on business strategy, EV legislation and best practices. Then helps to design and implement the necessary processes in cooperation with the company, to train the necessary skills such as personnel search, hiring, onboarding, offboarding, creating a value proposition, developing employer branding, planning employee development activities, administering personnel-related information.

    Store:  BDO Eesti
    0 out of 5
  • Coaching on isiklikule või professionaalsele arengule suunatud kindla eesmärgiga struktureeritud koostöö. Coaching aitab Sul avastada enda maksimaalset potentsiaali ning saavutada tulemuslikkust.

    Store:  Brightera
    0 out of 5
  • SIHTOTSING on parim viis juhtide ning tippspetsialistide värbamiseks, sest head kandidaadid ei ole tavaliselt aktiivselt uusi väljakutseid otsimas. 

    0 out of 5
  • - change management and employee relations, coaching and mentoring, organizational development;
    - employee satisfaction surveys: design, planning, conducting and analyzing;
    - designing and implementing employer branding activities;
    - designing and implementing motivation and salary systems;

    0 out of 5
  • Consultations in the field of labor law, representation in the Labor Disputes Committee, preparation of documents/answers (hour/page)

    0 out of 5
  • Identification of customer needs, supplier analysis, implementation planning and project management, testing.

    For larger projects, the price is negotiable.

    0 out of 5
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